Friday, February 11, 2011

Michael Jordan Motivational Quotes:

I have missed more than 9000 shots in my career.
I have lost almost 300 games.
On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot... and missed. And I have failed over and over and over again in my life.
And that is why... I succeed.

The Fine Art of Self-Motivation

Philippine Daily Inquirer, Working People, Page J2,
Written by Ernie O. Cecilia
September 26, 2010

After keeping a reference taken from a major daily for the last 5 month, I took time out to highlight some of the items in my site. Read on…

(1) Understand why you work.
(2) Master your craft.
(3) Create great impressions.
(4) Contribute or volunteer ideas.
(5) React positively to assignments
(6) Be happy at work.
(7) Be self-propelling.
(8) Achieve something.
(9) Discuss work issues.
(10) Have a positive career outlook.
(11) Don’t entrust your career to other people.
(12) Look to the future.

“It is better to light one candle than curse the darkness.” – old Chinese proverb

“Find the job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” - Confucius

Basic Photography Seminar

Basic Photography Seminar
by Photographer's Club of Tarlac
February 5, 2011
Museo de Tarlac
Total number of attendees: 64!/photographerscluboftarlac?v=info

PCT Personalities
1- Ian G. - 0922 872 03 52
2- Mykie - 0917 835 07 18
3- Dax S., the PRO

Types of Cameras:
1- Point & Shoot
2- Consumer

I. Proper Camera Handling

II. Basic Camera Parts & Controls

III. ISO - the amount of light that the sensor sees.
decrease in number = less sensitive to light
increase in number = dark situations

Four point checklist
1- Light
2- Grain
3- Tripod
4- Moving Subject

ISO Range
100 - sunny (effect: less grainy)
200 - cloudy (effect: less grainy)
400 - overcast/indoor (effect: less grainy)
800 - indoor/night (effect: average grain)
1600 - indoor/night (effect: more grainy)
32000 - indoor/night (effect: more grainy)
64000 - indoor/night (effect: more grainy)

Increase ISO settings during
a. Indoor Sports
b. Concert
c. Art Galleries
d. Churches
e. Birthday Parties

IV. White Balance

V. Aperture - the size of a lens opening
f/2.8, f/4, f/5.6, f/8...f/22

Ap priority uses the largest Ap possible.
Bokeh - is the blur, or the aesthetic quality of the blur, in out-of-focus areas of an image, or "the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light."

VI. DoF or Depth of Field

a. Shallow DoF
- Big opening (f/2.8 to f/8)
- close to your subject (zoom in)
- macro lens

b. Deep DoF
- small opening (f/11 to f/32)
- wide angle lens

VII. Shutter Speed - the amount of time the shutter is open

To freeze motion - 1/2000 to 1/3000

To show motion - ?

To lessen the camera shake, use 1/Focal Length e.g. 1/18 to 1/105
If with VR, use 3 stops.
For long exposures, use bulb settings

VIII. Metering
Review on Metering.

IX. Histogram
1- Heavy on right means overexposed.
2- Center means Average (ideal output)
3- Heavy on left means underexposed.


Friday, February 04, 2011


The children schooling their parents.

1- Don't spoil me. I know quite well that I ought not to have all that I ask for. I'm only testing you.

2- Don't be afraid to be firm with me. I prefer it, it makes me feel more secure.

3- Don't let me form bad habits. I have to rely on you to detect them in the early stages.

4- Don't make me feel smaller than I am. It makes me behave stupidly "big."

5- Don't correct me in front of people if you can help it. I'll take much more notice of it if you talk quietly with me in private.

6- Don't make me feel my mistakes are sins. It upsets my sense of values.

7- Don't protect me from consequences. I need to learn the painful way, sometimes.

8- Don't take too much notice of my small ailments. Sometimes they get me the attention I need.

9- Don't nag. If you do, I shall have to protect myself by appearing deaf.

10- Don't make rash promises. Remember that I feel badly let down when promises are broken.

11- Don't tax my honesty too much. I am easily frightened into telling lies.

12- Don't put me off when I ask questions. If you do, you will find that I stop asking and seek my information elsewhere.

13- Don't ever think that it is beneath your dignity to apologize to me. An honest apology makes me feel surprisingly warm toward you.

14- Don't forget how quickly I am growing up. It must be very difficult to keep pace with me. But please do try.

15- Don't forget that I can't thrive without lots of understanding and love, but I don't need to tell you, do I?

Tuesday, February 01, 2011


In a seminar that we attended in January 2011, we were made to choose what shape best describes us. The choices were: Square, triangle, circle and octagon. I chose a triangle. Why?

A Triangle for me represents the ff:
I. Three important angles in my life:
1- God
2- My Family
3- Fulfillment of my dreams

II. Always aim for the sky. If you don’t make it, you get the next best and hit the top of the mountain.

III. I am a believer in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Had I chosen a circle, I would have been viewed as sexually active!

My 10 Day Vacation

It was one for the books. My 2010 Christmas holiday was near perfect:
1- Good mix of sports (basketball, jogging, mountain biking),
2- Socializing (parties, coffee with friends, reunions with family, high school batchmates),
3- Practicing my hobbies (photography and mountain biking)
4- TO DOs (fix JML's sss, tmaris’ sss, mama & aunt lst's bilins)
5- Rest (almost daily siesta).

I said it was near perfect because there where TO DOs that were not completed, schedules changed or not met because of the “hectic” line up and days when the bed was there for the taking but I just couldn’t sleep.

Besides, even if the plan was followed to the letter, it would still not be perfect. There is no perfect world. And that’s why a plan B was created.

Tweet Over Blog in 2010

Statistics show that from Aug 2009 to December 2010, I made 4,000 plus tweets in my 16 month old account.

On the other hand, my blog entries have slowly eroded:
Y2010 – 36
Y2009 – 82
Y2008 – 83
Y2007 – 158
Y2006 – 64 (for ½ year)

Is the micro blogging uptake inversely proportional to the decrease in blogging? Nah!!! I was just too busy with work.


The magic number was 375 inmates. There were 69 calls made by the bakasyonistas to their relatives and friends last December 25, 2010 from 9AM to 12NN hence a mere 18% calling rate. What’s good to note is that there were still prisoners who wanted to talk to their loved ones however time was up and we had to pack up. Here’s some interesting statistics and verbatim gathered this year.


Total Calls Made is 69.

Who they called?
(a) wife 26%,
(b) sis/bro 23%,
(c) son/daughter 19%,
(d) friend 9%,
(e) cousin 9%,
(f) aunt 6%,
(g) mother 4%,
(h) in-law 3%,
(i) father 1%.

Interesting text received this year:
"Nung snang atsu k keni at emu gewa yn d sna makasaup kng s2ling panulo ng ima, mgsustento kya,eku sna mgobra ing ald0ng makanini,,kya eka dpat s2bing mknyan,at eka manyumbat mknyan,kc ala kng blu keng malilyari keng kilwal mu."
TRANSLATION: If only you where here and you didn’t commit that dastardly act, then you could be helping us with mother’s medicine and supporting her and I should not be working on a Christmas day! You shouldn’t be taking it against me because you really don’t know what’s happening outside (the prison).

Ouch! That hurt…