I was watching cartoons with my 2 ½ year old daughter MC this morning. I just had to sit beside her for a while before going to work as her “Dads, tabi tayo?” line said in a very, very sweet and irresistible manner had to be acknowledged lest I break her heart.
I remember my Papa BoyLac watching robot cartoons with us when we were young: Voltes V, Mazinger Z, Dungard Ace, Balatac, etc. It was a pretty sight so it was my time to watch Dora the Explorer, Hi-5, Blue’s Clues and Wonderpets!
I realized that you learn a lot from watching cartoons. Some of the management lessons are learned early in life. It’s all a matter of application. In the cartoon show called Wonderpets which features 3 cute animals: Linny, Tuck and Ming-Ming, the song goes like this “We’re not to big and we’re not too strong but when we work together, we got the right stuff…What’s gonna work? Teamwork!” and indeed the show is about cooperation or equally dividing the responsibility. Lesson learned: TEAMWORK and EFFECTIVE DELEGATION. In the show called Blue’s Clues, the star of the show Steve picks ups some clues and analyzes them. He goes to the “thinking chair” and sings “Let’s sit down on the thinking chair and think, think, think! When we use our mind and do it one step at a time, we can do anything that we want to do.” It might sound elementary but the key learning here is effective DATA GATHERING and ANALYZING. On one of the more famous shows and my daughter’s favorite Dora the Explorer, this cute and lovely 7 year old Latina always packs a backpack wherever she goes and despite the obstacles that she encounters, the troll or Swiper the fox, she maintains an amiable aura. There was even a show that, surprisingly, it was even Swiper the fox who helped her out of the peril. The key learning here are PREPARATION and always possess an AMIABLE aura no matter how difficult is the person you are dealing with because they may just be able to help you in the future.
MC wt MC! More Cartoons with my daughter, MC!
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