My former superior says I have the tendency to overanalyze or suffer from analysis paralysis. She's actually right. I declare myself a reformed analysis paralytic. I'm doing ths blog entry while inside Vee and looking at a black 2006 Honda Civic 1.8.
7G Civ
Our family owns an '02 Civic LXi. We got it second hand from an officemate with only 40,000 kilometers in the trip meter. Since we got it, we've had the aircon replaced, shocks replaced, engine support replaced, head and tail lights replaced, new batteries. Upgrades include: new fog lamps, ES emblem, sounds upgrade.
8G Civ
I've had the chance to drive 2 FDs since it was released in 2006. It's not actually a dream car (I dreamt of owning a 7G Civ) but if I find a good deal, it can be a worthy replacement for my current ride.
I just love bargains.