Pinoy Dream Academy grand champ Yeng Constantino won P75,000.00 in last January 18's Deal or no Deal show. The prize money went to CHILDREN'S JOY FOUNDATION (CJF). What a coincidence. Last January 15, the South Luzon Wireless Center team went to CJF in Calamba, Laguna to fulfill our promise. The promise to CJF underprivileged children is that we'll visit them as long as we win the model region award.
When we won the award in Y2004, part of the prize money went to CJF. That plus donation from the team summed up to P14,000.00. We also donated a used but in perfect condition refrigerator. With a bit of luck and a lot of hard work, our team won the award in Y2005 so we kept our promise and visited them again. This time we donated tiles and materials that can be used to renovate their 3 comfort rooms and some used toys and books.
What a fitting end to a stellar year. We renewed our promise to visit them if we win the model region award in Y2006. Maybe the secret of the South Luzon team lies in the CJF
angels that they are able to help.
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