Customer Service is an integral part of a customer life cycle. Normally, sales handle the customer acquisition part while customer service answers the customer management/ retention side. Our company cultivates a culture of multi-tasking hence everybody chips in on both functions. An informal survey shows that 60% of cellphone subscribers visit the business centers at least once a year, while 80% of cellphone users call their service provider annually.
This article aims to share with you some tips on customer service which I have learned through my 11 years of customer service experience.
1. Service with a Smile. Greeting with a smile is a very simple act but may dictate the tempo of the whole conversation. A limp “Good Morning” greeting may send a wrong signal and might earn the ire of a customer. Conversely, a jolly “Good Morning” bundled with a smile will make even Mr. Scrooge smile a bit.
2. Eye to Eye. It is important that you maintain eye contact. This shows respect to the customer. In fact, maintaining eye contact is not limited to customer service but also must in any conversation.
3. Stop, Look and LISTEN. God gave us a pair of ears and a mouth. You can best resolve a customer’s concern if you hear them out and gather sufficient information. Ask questions to clarify and get the facts straight. This will help you come up with the appropriate action.
4. The customer is always right. Right or wrong? In our culture, this statement needs thorough validation. A customer, as in any negotiation, the objective for a customer in any transaction is to get a favorable decision. Facts that can be found in a company database can change their stance. It is important that the decision be properly and clearly explained to the customer regardless if it is aligned to his concept of right or wrong.
5. Don’t judge the book by its cover. Mr. Willie Soong, the dealer of European sports cars Jaguar, Ferrari and Maserati in the Philippines shares his experience: “people who come to their showroom in double-breasted suits never buy a car, they just pretend. The real buyers are the most unassuming and simply dressed. They come in jeans and sneakers.” While a cellphone costs a fraction of a Jaguar, the lesson is to treat every customer with respect and not to discriminate.
6. It’s who you know not what you know. – In our country, one of the reasons why people buy a product or engage in service is partly because of the “who you know” rule. Kilala ko si ganito or si ganyan kaya nag company X ako. If that’s the case, the entire workforce of your company can become your customer service army.
7. Word of Mouth. One of the buzz words in the ad world today is WOM or word of mouth advertisement. Arguably, “word of mouth” is still the most effective form of advertisement. If used properly, it can save a company millions in ad expense. In your own way, sell your company’s products and services.
8. Accuracy is the best policy. If you are the resourceful type, you may browse our company website and share the information to our customers. I’ll let you in on a little secret of a typical Customer Care Frontliner – they often refer to the company website for information. It is important that you arm your self with useful information and know where to get the information.
9. The Golden Rule. Do unto others what you want others to do unto you. If your company is into customer service, you may not have realized it but your taste for customer service increased a few notches higher. You tend to be more critical of the service that is rendered to you. The key here is to think like a customer. How do YOU want to be treated?
10. Say Thank You. This should be automatic just like the greeting with a smile but should be delivered with sincerity and enthusiasm. It puts a proper cap to a transaction.
These tips can make a big difference. Follow them and customers will follow us.
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