Monday, December 26, 2011

Paying 4 Convenience

When do you cross the line between a need and a want? Is it dictated by the product price? Can you live without it? So many questions but there's really no science to it. Here's my top list of items that we use because of convenience:

We live in a condo so the weekly grocery is a challenge. Hello trolley! This sub p1k item available in hardwares keeps the weight off your shoulders, literally.

2- Back up sensor
My first experience with a back up sensor was in '02 when we got our psuedo SUV. We shelled out p7,5k then but well worth it. When we got our new ride in '07, the compact SUV had a dealer installed back up sensor which we got for free (in place of door visors, hood visors and a host of other small non critical freebies)

3- EC tag
As the title suggest, it's a EC (easy tag). If my memory serves me right, we bought the almost decade old transponder for p2k. It can be loaded via the toll booth teller, credit card auto debit or smart money. It's like having an express pass esp during heavy traffic holidays. Now NLE just needs to do something abt hard headed motorist who still use the EC tag only lane. Can't you read, people?

4- Data Suite
Nokia Data Suite... I love you! I've been using this free software since my phone was a Nokia 6150 in early 2000. It's not yet available in Android OS so I'm sticking with Symbian OS for my primary phone for now. I can send sms or connect to the internet wirelessly via bluetooth. And did I tell you the Nokia software is free?

5- Router
I don't consider myself super techy. I can say that I am between average to above average in being techy. Our under p2k router serves the following masters: 2 laptops, 2 symbian phones and 2 android phones. Now let's not dwell on the DSL speed.

How's that for convenience? Try it and apply it and you'll find out where I'm coming from.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

BoyLac's 65th on the 27th

Papa BL would have been 65 last November 27 if he was still with us. Actually, he's still with us in spirit and this was prevalent on two instances during his special day. Last November 27, we had a mass celebration offered for him. That was followed by a simple breakfast with family and very close friends. And then these two coincidences happened:

(1) Atching Milagring
After breakfast at my parent's place, we went to my in-laws place and my wife realized that she forgot her purse so I had to go back. Upon reaching my parent's place, mother was about to drive 70+ yr old Atching Milagring, our neighbor to her place about a block away. Mother had some more guest so timing was just right and I dropped our neighbor to her place.

(2) GOA Surprise
I had to attend to a few chores that day before going back to Manila. I probably worked on 3 chores which covered close to 2 hours before my visit to the Garden. When I reached the site, lo and behold, mother and her guests were outside and can't get in the mausoleum because she can't find her keys. They didn't know that I was going to visit Papa.

Talk about concidence. Or is it Papa BL's handiwork? I wouldn't know. Love you, Papa.