This blogging is great! I don’t give a hoot if nobody reads my blogsite as long as I can write what I want, continually challenge myself in expressing myself as objective as possible and play around with new words, terms, phrases that I meet everyday.
Let me tell you about my high school teacher. I heard, kinuha na siya ni Lord pero I learned a lot from him in fact still apply what I learned constantly. He thought us to apportion a part of your notebook and write down ALL THE NEW WORDS THAT YOU ENCOUNTER, then check out the lexicon (pinahirap na word for dictionary) which he fondly calls, my good friend Mr. Webster, then use it in a sentence, then use it wherever applicable. Nowadays, I have an ms word file which contains the new words that I meet and constantly update this file. Apart from my resume, this is probably the file most accessed in my hard drive.
So if the name MR. RONALD PEROY rings a bell to you, I thank him for being a true educator.
Same here Bro...Mr. Ronald Peroy was truly a Great Educator! Thanks to him and thank God I got that opportunity to be his student.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry that the person who molded my love for the english language is no longer with us today. it will the 25th jubilee of our batch in don bosco tarlac next year. I was really wishing that he could join us so that he could see and be proud of the children who achieved something because of his influence.
ReplyDeleteI am a supervisor in a call center today. whatever i achieved in this industry, i owe 80% to him. Mr. Ronald Peroy is my inspiration. I can never forget his FFT and words to live by. Who could ever forget the famous characters, phollephimous the cyclops and the monster grendel of beowolf. Sir Ron, wherever you are right now, i salute my hat to you. you were always my inspiration.
I still remember the first ponderable he quoted in our class in 1984: "Initiative is doing the right thing without being told."