I'm on top of the world! It’s technically my first day in New York. I arrived from SoCal late in the evening. Bula dropped me off at Scarsdale’s train station around 1PM and I had a taste of THE CITY around 2PM. Bula was right when she said bring an umbrella. It was a chic small umbrella so it fit well in my bag. Grand Central Station was really grand. Built in the 1850s, the Grand Central Terminal stands today as one of New York City’s most famous landmarks. It was good I was using a digital cam, had I been using an old school 35mm, I would literally say I finished a roll of film just taking pictures of the structure. Next stop was the Empire State Building. A visit to NY will not be complete without a visit to this building. It was good that the line was not long lest I would have postponed my trip to the top of the tallest building in NY. I passed by and took pix of the New York Public Library which was featured in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow.” When I was in NY, movies showing were Cars and The Da Vinci Code. I checked out Times Square, Rockefeller Center, St. Patrick’s Cathedral and went inside stores along 5th Ave that interests me. I saw the Philippine Embassy Office, Bank of the Philippine Islands and Metro Bank and Trust Company. Dinner was at a relatively cheap diner. Cheap means an $11 tab plus 10% tip. Back home that would be a t-bone steak at an upscale restaurant. I went home around 10PM in Scarsdale. Yes, I did have fun.
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