The computer term GIGO or GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT was first introduced to me 2 decades ago by my high school computer teacher which we fondly call PREKEK. I’m not actually sure how that monicker was born, either he mispronounced free kick (a penalty shot in soccer) or an output in computer gone wrong.
As I write this journal, I have 2 misbehaving cells inside my body which are driving me nuts. I’m determined to delete them from my system soon before they recruit more of their kind. Come to think of it, it was really I who placed them there through the food that I eat. It can’t definitely be attributable to my lifestyle because I’d like to believe that I live a relative sports centered lifestyle.
For the past 2 decades of my life, despite my parents ultra frequent reminders to eat healthy food and my wife’s same level of reminders, I still continue to eat “earth friendly food” (a term I concocted which means bringing you closer to earth at a faster pace). I’ve always placed inside my head the “I’m still young and I can eat whatever I want” attitude. It’s time to wake up, Mister DyLac!
As my lovely wife puts it, let’s go for the most appropriate medical treatment, proper diet and regular family prayer. My equally lovely mother completely agrees to this.
My game plan is simple: let’s annihilate those batardos!!!
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