Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The Early Bird Does Not Always Catch the Worm

On a regular weekend, Saturday means waking up at 9AM and laze around the house the whole morning. Last weekend, the plan was to bring the second car at Honda Cars Makati for servicing. I arrived at 645am last Saturday in HCM with only 3 cars ahead of me. Lo and Behold, it was already 830AM and I have not yet been attended to. For almost 2 hours, I've kept myself busy by watching NBA highlights, reading flyers, brochures & posters and scrutinizing the cars on display. When my patience meter was near full, that's when I spoke to a service advisor. Her name was Viena and she was nice and helpful. She actually didn't deserve my shabby treatment BUT I also didn't deserve to wait for almost 2 hours when 4 out of the 8 counters were operational. My first sarcastic remark was that I asked if there was any chance they'd call my number before 9AM. She offered an Express Check In procedure which I could have opted as soon as I arrived at HCM. The next and last sarcastic remark was that the Express Check In option could have been offered 2 hours earlier. Yes she was nice and I was rude only because I should have been back to my bed if their process was much more efficient.

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