Saturday, April 05, 2008

GG by BG

Everybody was talking about it so I just had to surf the friendly web and read about the drama in real life. I'm talking about the Gucci Gang and the now famous (or infamous depending on whose side you're on) Brian Gorrell. Anyway, I don't intend to comment on what I read but instead will use this entry to use it as my laundry list of new words discovered while reading his blogsite.

1- grifter - a swindler, dishonest gambler, or the like.
2- despicable - deserving to be despised
3- hideous - distressing; appalling
4- caustic - severely critical or sarcastic
5- carbuncle - deep-red cabochon garnet cut without facets
6- haiku - A poem written in this form
7- vapid - without liveliness or spirit
8- quagmire - a situation from which extrication is very difficult
9- gaudy - cheaply showy in a tasteless way; flashy
10- aberration - deviation from truth or moral rectitude
11- pudgy - short and fat or thick
12- fluff - to make a mistake in
13- natty - neatly or trimly smart in dress or appearance; spruce
14- grubby - dirty; slovenly
15- vile - foul; filthy
16- wonky - stupid; boring; unattractive
17- WTF – What the F___!

For this blog's reader, the words may not be alien to you but it is to me so please pardon my ignorance.

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