Basic Photography Seminar
by Photographer's Club of Tarlac
February 5, 2011
Museo de Tarlac
Total number of attendees: 64
PCT Personalities
1- Ian G. - 0922 872 03 52
2- Mykie - 0917 835 07 18
3- Dax S., the PRO
Types of Cameras:
1- Point & Shoot
2- Consumer
I. Proper Camera Handling

II. Basic Camera Parts & Controls
III. ISO - the amount of light that the sensor sees.
decrease in number = less sensitive to light
increase in number = dark situations
Four point checklist
1- Light
2- Grain
3- Tripod
4- Moving Subject
ISO Range
100 - sunny (effect: less grainy)
200 - cloudy (effect: less grainy)
400 - overcast/indoor (effect: less grainy)
800 - indoor/night (effect: average grain)
1600 - indoor/night (effect: more grainy)
32000 - indoor/night (effect: more grainy)
64000 - indoor/night (effect: more grainy)
Increase ISO settings during
a. Indoor Sports
b. Concert
c. Art Galleries
d. Churches
e. Birthday Parties
IV. White Balance

V. Aperture - the size of a lens opening
f/2.8, f/4, f/5.6, f/8...f/22
Ap priority uses the largest Ap possible.
Bokeh - is the blur, or the aesthetic quality of the blur, in out-of-focus areas of an image, or "the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light."
VI. DoF or Depth of Field
a. Shallow DoF
- Big opening (f/2.8 to f/8)
- close to your subject (zoom in)
- macro lens
b. Deep DoF
- small opening (f/11 to f/32)
- wide angle lens
VII. Shutter Speed - the amount of time the shutter is open
To freeze motion - 1/2000 to 1/3000
To show motion - ?
To lessen the camera shake, use 1/Focal Length e.g. 1/18 to 1/105
If with VR, use 3 stops.
For long exposures, use bulb settings

VIII. Metering
Review on Metering.
IX. Histogram
1- Heavy on right means overexposed.
2- Center means Average (ideal output)
3- Heavy on left means underexposed.
