Monday, June 15, 2020


The LAST DANCE, a documentary abt Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls' dynasty run in the 90s, will be airing its last pair of episodes on May 19 on Netflix. A number of His Airness' sportscars were featured in the film such as a 1990 Chevrolet Corvette, a 1992 Ferrari Testarossa and a 1994 Porsche 911. Some of the "cheap" cars featured as well were a Range Rover & a Toyota Land Cruiser. No surprise on his auto haul as the sports icon is a billionaire since Y2014.

On the series, you'll see MJ's Corvette wt plate JUMP 23 and Testarossa wt plate M AIR J. This only proves his penchant for nice plate numbers. Here in the Philippines, a personalized plate will set you off for p20k to p30k. Here are the personalized plate classifications and what we've seen in the last 20 years in the streets of our country:

Date of birth
ONE - 31 on a white Ford Everest. The owner or a family member was probably born on Jan 31. Either that or he bought the in Jan 31 which doesn't make sense bit walang basagan ng trip.

MAR - 57 on a toyota land cruiser. Either the owner is born in Mar 1957 or this is owned by the former senator and former DILG secretary who incidentally was born in May 1957
My Initials

EVG 55 on a green Jeep Rubicon owned by Eddie Verchelez Garcia. This is confirmed by somebody very close to him.

SUE 888 on a white Subaru Forester. The owner's name must be Sue or a stern warning not to hit her car.

Numbers play
III - 456 on a white Mazda 3 sedan. Roman numeral 3 mixed with Arabic numerals on this white ride.

TWO - 22 on a black Mercedes Benz. Letter two mixed with 22. If this is the owners birth month and year, he will be a century old in 2 years time.

Car type
BUG - 80 on a red Volkswagen Beetle. When this new generation kotseng bukot passed by dela rosa street, I reckon madami ang nabatukan.

DEF-16 on a black land rover defender 110. If you are wondering why the number is 16, I have a strong feeling the mathematician owner wants to highlight that 4 x 4 = 16.

Double meanings

OMG - 888 on a black Mitsubishi Pajero. OMG or Oh my god is one of the more famous expressions. Google says it also means over-sized male genitalia but i am not sure if I shld write this part.

WHO - 123 on a brown Toyota Innova. WHO or world health organization is hugging the airwaves in the last 5 month because of the pandemic. I hope the pandemic ends soon so we can all enjoy driving our vehicles.
A personalized plates is both a boon and a bane. A boon because a easy to remember plates increases the value of a car bec the owner went thru the trouble of getting the plates and shows how much he cares abt his prized possession and a bane bec if somebody has an axe to grind, you car would be easy to spot.