Wednesday, December 06, 2006

It could be the milk

Fontana Leisure Park, Clarkfield, Pampanga
March 2003

Speech for B5’s Prep Graduation

Good afternoon to my fellow parents, Bright Woods School educators and the star of today’s program, the prep graduating students.

Today is a very special day for all of us. For the parents of B5, no words can describe how happy we are for our child and his achievement. We are extremely delighted at the fact that our little boy is the only prep student in his class that got the award and is the latest addition to this core group of prep students. We were told that the 6 other students received the award last year. Until last night, JML and I can’t still figure out where B5 inherited his academic competence. The best scholastic achievement we received during our school days was a “Best in Conduct” for me and my wife received a “Loyalty Award.” We’re starting to believe the Gain Plus milk TV commercial featuring 3 fathers in a vehicle, arguing that their son’s achievements can be credited to the genes. Then finally one of them said, “It could be the milk.” Genes. Milk. Come to think of it, it could be the school.

Speaking about “the school”, let me just share with you why we chose Bright Woods over the other schools in Angeles City. There’s this Decision Making technique called factor rating where you identify a set of factors then you put a weight for each factor. The factors we identified then where: 1- school background, 2- student teacher ratio, 3- proximity to our house and 4- comfort of our child (such as air conditioned rooms, school bus availability). From a list of 5 schools, we narrowed down our list to 2 and these were - OB Montessori and Bright Woods School. The fact that I am speaking to you right now means that we picked the better school. I hope I won’t eat my words later on, right teacher Ana?

To Bright Woods School, we have 3 requests: First, please continue to make education your primary concern and making profit last on the list. Secondly, feedback, from students, parents and teachers, is a key factor in the growth of your business. Your receptiveness to feedback and reaction to our son’s unfortunate experience during his kindergarten days was very much appreciated. Pls. maintain that trait. And lastly, please continue to “make learnings fun and lasting” as your tag line suggests.

To Teacher Naomi and Teacher Kim, thank you for tapping into the academic potentials of our son B5.

To my fellow parents, let’s continue to work hard and guide our children into responsible future citizens and make our country, a more meaningful place to live in.

To my wife JML, majority of the credit should go to you as B5’s mommy. If not for your patience in teaching him every night, he may not have received the academic excellence award.

To our son B5, we are very happy for you. We love you very much, with or without this academic award.

To the prep graduating students, the star of today’s show, congratulations to all of you.

Thank you.

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