Alpha or Avida? The decision point is analogous to buying a BMW sedan. The question is do you go for a ten year old BMW 5 series or a brand new BMW 3 series. Each has it’s advantages and disadvantages and there is never a correct decision because factors vary depending on the buyer.
1997 BMW 525i / The Pro:
o Mid sized (therefore not too big and not too small)
o Luxury features (just like living in the lap of luxury)
o Safety is key (for its class, car safety is basic unlike in low end models)
o Stable resale value (by this time)
1997 BMW 525i / The Cons:
o Second Owner (hence not sure about how it was used)
o Gurgles gasoline (the bigger the engine, the more expensive it is to run)
o High maintenance (cost of service, parts, insurance, registration).
o Low resale value (10 more years down the road and you’d have a hard time selling it)
2007 BMW 320i / The Pro:
o Brand New (as in never been kissed and never been touched).
o Service galore (no headaches on service since warranty covers for it)
o You can choose the color and other options.
o The financing is budget friendly. You can go for a low down payment or low monthly.
2007 BMW 320i / The Cons:
o Size (might be too small for a family of 5 with a dozen grocery bags).
o Luxury is incomparable to a 5 series.
o Considered low end by 5 series and up owner
o High acquisition cost and probably low resale value (esp. if you’re desperate)
Sabi nga nila, nothing beats brand new. So we’re going for Avida.
1. We didn’t buy a BMW. I’m just dreaming.
2. If you want to know what I’m talking about, check out
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