Friday, March 16, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!

I’m celebrating my 35th birthday today. I want my birthday this year to be extra special! My plan is that I’ll give a gift to the angels of Children’s Joy Foundation (CJF) located in Calamba City, Laguna. Just a brief profile, CJF Laguna branch is a sub-branch of a better funded CJF in Metro Manila. They have about 30 less fortunate children. The youngest is just a baby while the eldest is about 15 years old. During our last visit to them in January this year, I told them that I’ll pool my personal resources and give them a gift this year. The gift will contain used children’s clothes, new and used toys, new and used school items and new slippers for everybody. I’ll wrap the box, place my note which you’ll find below and personally deliver it within the month. I hope this will make them happy…

Dear Angels of Children’s Joy Foundation,

It's my birthday today. I'm turning 35 years. I'm pretty sure that is more than double your age. When I was about your age, I used to look at 30+ year old people as very old. I now realize that I'm just halfway to an expected lifespan of a Filipino.

When you grow older, a birthday just becomes a regular day in your life. To make my 35th birthday special, instead of 'receiving,' I shall be 'giving' a gift to you. Like any present, it is neatly wrapped complete with a birthday card. I hope this will truly surprise you and you find the things useful.

My five wishes for you on my birthday are: 1- that you be able to finish your studies, 2- you find a job you enjoy doing, 3- earn to live comfortably, 4- be responsible citizens of our society and 5- help the less fortunate in your own little way.

My only request is that you pray for me especially my health, that I'd live long enough to see my children (aged 9 and 3 years old) graduate from college and be able to help more people.

Happy Birthday to me!

Kuya DSL

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