Sunday, March 18, 2007

Plate Number Fever

"Dad, How come it's called plate number when it has letters? It should be called plate letter and number." said my then 4 year old son referring to Philippine license plates which normally have 3 letter and 3 numbers. I like to check out vehicle plates. That's probably part of my being a car buff.

During my US vacation, I saw plates such as:
SAY CHS - I reckon this is not owned by senatoriable Chiz Escudero.
TURTLE - I'm sure the owner loves pets other than dogs.
MOMONEY - I not sure if he meant he wants more because he's already driving a Mercedes Benz coupe.
BICOL – Can you guess where the owner is from?
HUSTLER - Is he the owner of the men's magazine or this tells how he conducts business?

In the local scene, I chanced upon the following:
JVE 777 matched with a black Range Rover owned by San Juan Mayor JV Ejercito.
HMR 222 on a bright yellow first generation Hummer.
FUK 222 on a spruced up Honda Civic. I hope this is not owned by a whore.
LLL 777 on Loren Legarda Leviste's Mercedez Benz 190e
BMW 320 which is most definitely not on a Toyota.

My dream ride is a black BMW X5 with matching DSL 315 plate. Too bad that won't become a reality because I already saw that license plate on a stainless steel owner type jeep. Oh well. Ü

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