Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Package Delivered

"One man's thrash is another one's treasure."

As promised, I gave my gift to the angels of Children's Joy Foundation today (March 19) which qualifies for within the month timeline. It's difficult to describe the delight of the children after seeing the present a.k.a. a balikbayan box neatly wrapped with a birthday theme. It was a labor of love because I packed and wrapped it myself. As pledged, the box contained used and new toys, used and new clothes, used books, new slippers and old but new premium items. I had mixed emotions; sad to see their current state, babies and toddler left by their parents because they can't take care of them; felt blessed because we are the ones helping and not the other way around and happy because this is my first birthday were I was the one who gave a surprise. I love the feeling, let’s have more of these!

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