Saturday, March 10, 2007

M.I.3 Becomes a Reality

The South Luzon wireless operations team recently won Model Region of the year (2006). This is the 3rd year in a row as they won the award in Y2004 and Y2005.

Critics says the first award in Y2004 was a fluke because this "whining" team was perceived to be a group of old dogs who ran out of new tricks. The second model region award in Y2005 proved that the accolades received were products of the region's vision which reads: T4 - Teamwork, Trust and Target Focused equals Top Region within the next 2 years (until Y2005).

The recent award was given during the Rewards & Recognition in Baguio Country Club. This 3peat only proved that the perceived whiners just needed the right direction to show that they are actually winners. The vision that guides this team says: To be the model region with the most significant contributions to Customer Care organization by Y2007. Now who ever said it's hard to teach old dog new tricks? Mission accomplished!

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